From Iceland — Life In Pictures: Reykjavík Pride

Life In Pictures: Reykjavík Pride

Published August 24, 2018

Life In Pictures: Reykjavík Pride

From August 7th to August 12th, Pride took hold of Reykjavík in its loving hands to celebrate the variety of life and the beauty of inclusiveness. The biggest event of the week was the legendary Pride Parade, where floats showcased the ever-growing flora of queer humanity that Pride represents. From gays to lesbians to trans individuals to genderqueer peeps to bisexuals to pansexuals to asexuals and everyone in between—each stood proud in the sun to showcase the importance of being yourself. Confetti guns were unloaded. Rainbow flags were raised. And the Grapevine was there to document it all.

Páll Óskar: The King of Pride in his favourite shoe

Confetti party… the best kind

We’re here! We’re queer! GET OVER IT!

Thus pupper was here to support his fellow queer woofs

Proud church supporting Pride

Miss Whoop Whoop & Miss D-Anal living it up for Kiki

Everyones welcome!

BDSM and the Devil

It’s Hans and Deff Starr!

Why have a rainbow flag when you can wear it?

Pride hats

More doggoes

Balloons + confetti + rainbows = Pride

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